Blue Billywig made headlines yesterday in the Gooi en Eemlander newspaper. The article goes on to say;
“The Hilversum based company Blue Billywig, software maker for online video has got a new scoop. The company developed a software allowing users to watch 360 degree video’s in Safari, the Internet browser installed as default on portable Apple-devices such as iPhone and iPad”.
Following up on these developments, as well as news of the company’s 10 year anniversary, Ronald Frisart interviewed Blue Billywig co-Founder Jeroen Meeter, who had this to say about the latest developments;
“Internet giants like YouTube and Facebook have applications that enable users to watch 360 degree video’s on iPhone. However, this was still not possible in a web browser like Safari. To my knowledge, Blue Billywig are the only company in the world right now who have developed a solution for this”.