Numbers that we cherish

years of video experience
video experts in 3 regional offices
billion yearly streams

Endlessly empowering video visions

With Blue Billywig, we can easily control our video editorial workflows.

We can focus on boosting the numbers of videos produced, video views, and the monetisation. The team provides a very high level of service alongside a great platform.

Gyurka Jansen, Product Manager at Business Insider

Official Google Technology Partner & ISO 27001 Certified

See how our platform can help your business

Industry Solutions

Publishers & Broadcasters

Streamline your workflow, showcase your videos with our OTT solutions and monetize your content. Our platform provides you with all the tools you need.


Be the winning team on and off the pitch by using online video to reach, grow, and monetize your fanbase. We’ll help you connect with your fans globally and immerse them in your club experience.


From helping customers complete their payments on time to renewing policies and conveying complex information, online video is an excellent channel to reach your goals.


Teach, train, and share information. Our platform enables you to create content to communicate efficiently, captivate your audience, and make a human connection.

Retail & e-commerce

Help your e-commerce business reach its full potential, from attracting new customers to your brand to connecting with your loyal customers.

Sales Houses & Ad Networks

Effectively manage and distribute your demand. We work with all demand providers to ensure that you maximize your video monetization potential.


Use online video to securely communicate internally or externally and comply with international regulations while also adhering to accessibility standards.

Telco and Utilities

A satisfied customer is invaluable, especially in the telco and utilities sectors. Use online video to give your customers the benefit of quick online service with a human touch.


Use video to captivate your audience and maximize your impact. Our platform helps you take your video marketing strategy to the next level.

Interested? Let one of our experts give you a demo