When conducting research, the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration found that many people were in need of more information about the fiscal consequences of divorce. Here’s how they better informed citizens using our platform and interactive solutions.
The Tax and Customs Administration is the tax collection and customs service of the Netherlands. It’s part of the Ministry of Finance and is responsible for collecting taxes in the Netherlands.
This video is in Dutch.
A divorce can be an emotionally charged period in life which requires a variety of financial arrangements and fiscal adjustments. The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration found that people often aren’t aware of these obligations and also found the topic to be quite complex. To better inform citizens, they asked us to help them to create a video that explains different situations and takes people through them step by step.
Using our interactive solutions, an animated video was made that takes viewers through four key subjects. Because it’s both scalable and easy to adapt, animation was chosen as the medium, which makes it easy to change the video or add information when necessary.
Viewers were also asked for feedback, and using our analytics dashboard and the help of their customer success manager, they were able to further optimize the video.
The video was published on a designated webpage with information about divorce. After publication, a qualitative study was done to ask consumers what they thought of the video.
Overall, the video was very well received. Viewers found it helpful to have an overview of all relevant information, both in the video and on the accompanying website. “”I wish I had this back in the day!”” was one of the most heard responses by viewers who had already gone through a divorce.
Viewers also valued the interactivity, with the ability to navigate through the video and getting multiple layers of information.
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