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With the use of personalized video, Budweiser increased engagement and brand recognition by encouraging people to create their own personalized beer bottles and share their dreams with others.
Budweiser is the largest beer brand for Anheuser-Busch InBev and has been brewing beers since 1876. It’s one of the best-sold beers in the world and is brewed in 63 breweries across the globe.
This video is in Dutch.
With their campaign “Dare to Dream”, Budweiser was looking for a way to expand their reach and strengthen their position in the Dutch market. The campaign included a beer bottle generator that allowed people to create personalized bottles to share their dream with the world.
It was the first time Budweiser worked with personalized video, so they sought an experienced partner with the necessary expertise and technology to help them create the personalized campaign they dreamed of.
In the “Dare to Dream” campaign, people created their own personal beer label on the Budweiser website by filling out their name, their dream, and uploading a picture. Shortly after, viewers received a personalized email and video in their inbox showing them a glimpse of their personalized beer bottle and the option to share it with others.
Rendering these videos was the best solution as it allowed the data to be “embedded” into the video. This method works best with textures, moving objects, and depth, like the beer bottle in the video. It gave Budweiser all the creative freedom they needed to achieve the best result.
The Dream Bottle video generator captured more than 53,000 dreams, and 3 of those dreams actually came true. The winners received 25,000 euros and coaching to realize their dream. Many of the personalized Dream Bottles were made available for purchase in supermarkets across the Netherlands from October to December 2021.
The personalized video was part of a larger “Dare to Dream” campaign and was promoted through TV commercials, social advertising and out-of-home advertising, increasing Budweiser’s reach and brand awareness in the Netherlands.
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