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Klap values the customer experience and satisfaction above all, and they were looking to surprise their clients in an original and personal way.
Klap is a Dutch insurance broker that’s been in the business for over 150 years. They have a clear and efficient way of helping entrepreneurs understand their risks and opportunities in order to help them find the best insurance policy.
This video is in Dutch.
Klap was looking for ways to engage with their clients in a personal way that was still scalable, and decided to use personalized video. They chose two moments to send out videos: on client’s birthdays and for company events. Klap even used their own employees in the videos, which gave the videos a personal feel with a dash of authenticity.
The videos are sent automatically through Klap’s CMS, and data sourcing is used to personalize the emails. Each email receives a unique link that ensures that the correct personal data is loaded into the video. This way of personalizing their content makes it easily scalable and adjustable, and new clients can be added anytime.
97% of viewers responded positively after watching the personalized video. Personal touches like these, especially in the insurance industry, go above and beyond to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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