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Learn how Waytogrow uses our platform and monetization suite to help publishers earn more from their ad inventory.
Waytogrow is an award-winning Google Certified Publishing Partner focused on monetizing publishers’ websites and maximizing their advertising revenue in over 60 international markets.
Waytogrow’s mission is to deliver world-class ad revenue optimization services and help publishers earn more from their ad inventory. Video and the GROW Video Player are an important part of that and a key product in their portfolio.
To achieve these objectives, Waytogrow used our platform to implement smart, contextual video content suggestions with numerous publishers across various regions, ensuring new, engaging and relevant content was delivered to millions of users.
With the contextual content suggestions in place, a huge supply of premium, instream advertising inventory was created. Waytogrow monetizes this on behalf of their publisher partners. For the most optimal yield, Waytogrow uses prebid player bidding to ensure the highest price on an impression by impression basis.
Managing a workflow that involves hundreds of publishers and thousands of video clips from various regions is not easy. However, through the use of smart playlists, Waytogrow can easily sort a large number of items based on custom filters such as language, recency, tags and various other metadata associated with the clips.
Playlists are created in a matter of seconds, and with a Playlist Embed code, can be quickly booked in their ad server and targeted to the desired publisher portfolio. Demand sources for instream ads are then easily connected through a mix of Blue Billywig’s prebid player bidding setup and video ad tags connected behind the player.
By implementing our Suggests feature, Waytogrow created significant additional video supply, with over 80 million instream opportunities per month.
Within 3 months of going live, Waytogrow increased video revenue for their large international publisher portfolio by 540%. This is a huge increase and helps these publishers continue to invest in quality content and journalism. The GROW Video Player is a key product in Waytogrow’s portfolio, chosen willingly by a huge number of publishers.
Fill out the form and one of our video experts will happily show you around our platform and answer any questions you might have.