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Everysport Media Group partnered with us to provide a quality viewer experience while also simplifying the workflow for their editorial teams and increasing their instream revenue.
Everysport Media Group is the leading sports media and sports data company in the Nordics.
The goal of Everysport is to provide a quality user video experience across all screens and devices for their loyal viewers. Additionally, they wanted to simplify and optimize the workflow for their editorial teams.
Everysport Media Group use our platform to easily manage all their video content for their different sport labels. Premium sports websites such as Hockey Sverige produce videos with in-depth analysis for fans of ice hockey.
Through the use of our Online Video Platform, editors can simply upload and embed videos in their CMS, use additional settings such as scheduling or clipping, and publish in an instant with zero technical expertise required.
When using our platform to analyse video content performance, Everysport noticed that there were a high percentage of web pages that did not contain video, despite having videos that were highly relevant to the context of the page.
Everysport used this information to optimize the setup by implementing relevant playlist embeds on all the web pages that previously did not contain video. This drastically increased the visibility and reach of their videos.
Through this regular optimisation and the continued commitment to producing quality content, Everysport managed to double their video views within the first 6 months live. This naturally led to a similar uplift in ad inventory and instream revenue, keeping both the editorial and commercial teams satisfied, which is no mean feat in a publishing house!
Fill out the form and one of our video experts will happily show you around our platform and answer any questions you might have.