Upon publishing your content, we are then able provide users with granular performance data, via our revamped reporting feature.
Our improved Reports tool enables users to set up their own reports, choosing the online video analytics that they find most relevant. A preview of the report criteria selected will be generated and shown on the right side of the screen. Additionally, you can select the relevant columns for your report, such as clip information and audience dimensions.
Once happy with the criteria selected, all that’s left to do is set the schedule for the report. For example, you can choose to automatically receive the report, daily, weekly, monthly, or on specific days.
Finally, by simply adding the email adresses of other colleagues, the report can be sent to multiple people. This is an easy way to keep everyone in your organisation up to date.
The launch of the renewed Reporting Feature is part of the redesign of the Online Video Platform. If you are not yet a client, please feel free to contact us for a free demo.
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