The word’s out: the Blue Billywig Video Player has a new design. It is fresher, more innovative and focuses solely on the needs of the user. Plus, it offers minimal overlay, so that means maximum exposure for your video content.

What will change?

The biggest change is the look and feel of the video player. The new skin is even more user-friendly, intelligent and offers maximum exposure for video content. By keeping user experience and viewability in the forefront of our mind, we created the player design to best cater to these important factors.

Check out these features to consider all the possibilities.

Desktop & mobile

Since November 2016, increasing amounts of internet traffic come from mobile users. This will only grow in the future, so the developers at Blue Billywig created features to suit the growing mobile user base. We took a big step towards consistency and made sure desktop and mobile have the same look and feel. On top of that, the user-experience for mobile users now resembles that of OS.

The new player skin for the HTML5 video player is more intelligent. For example, it automatically responds to the size of the screen. Is the size too small to fit a horizontal volume slider? Then it automatically switches to a vertical volume slider.


Subtitles have become increasingly important given the growing number of mobile users and their browsing habits. So, we made sure the subtitles are even easier on the eyes.

For the ultimate user-experience, viewers can find subtitles, video quality and audio with one click of a button.

End screen

The end screen for both desktop and mobile offers a carrousel with related video content.

Desktop users can click through this end screen carrousel, while mobile users get the same effect by swiping.

What about current video players?

All existing video players are automatically updated with the new skin. Without anyone having to lift a finger!

Have any questions? Maybe some feedback? Or would you just like to let us know how great the new skin looks? Drop us a line.