We are very proud to announce the beginning of Blue Billywig Labs. With this launch, we want to focus even more on innovation.

in·no·va·tion: 1 the introduction of something new (Source)

With the earliest version of our Online Video Platform now being over a decade old, the ability to constantly innovate is nothing new for our team. Every week sees new features and developments added to the platform. At Blue Billywig, we consistently strive for new and improved ways for you to reach your customers and communicate with them through video.

Why Blue Billywig Labs?

Our main aim with Labs is to build an environment that lends itself to creativity. When we started a decade ago, there was no such thing as an Online Video Platform. Everything we created at that point we invented ourselves from ideas within the team. Now that online video is booming and we are growing fast as a company, we notice an increase in requests to improve and develop new features. This input is very valuable to us and one of the reasons our platform was redesigned last year. However, the flipside to this reactionary approach, is our developers have less time to focus on invention, bringing their own ideas to life.

With Labs, we want to create the right balance between requested developments and using our own creativity. We will build a personal playground for our developers, where the possibilities are endless. The end goal will always be the customer, inventing new features that can benefit you.

Stay tuned via our website and newsletter to find out what new features arise from our Labs.