ONVZ was looking for an easy and effective way to inform their clients about their current and future insurance plans. Find out how they update clients each year using our platform’s interactive and personalized solutions.
With almost half a million clients, ONVZ is one of the biggest insurance companies in the Netherlands. Operating as a non-profit organisation, their goal is to be an independent partner that focuses on freedom of choice and a personal approach.
This video is in Dutch.
Since 2006, Dutch Law only allows citizens to make changes to their health insurance plan before the start of the new calendar year. This makes December an important month for Dutch health insurance companies, as they need to inform their clients about changes to their plan for the coming year. ONVZ wanted to do this in a personal but scalable way and chose to work with interactive & personalized video.
Videos are sent to current clients to show them what their plan will look like in the coming year, as well as what a customer can expect to pay. Since the interactivity is linked with their data, the interactive video is able to show clients options that apply to their specific situation, like only seeing the dental premium if it was part of last year’s plan.
Viewers are asked to give feedback at the end of the video. Using this feedback in combination with the Analytics tool in the platform, ONVZ continually optimizes their video content to provide their clients with the info they need.
The video is an innovative way of communicating information about health insurance and premiums. Each customer receives a personalized and interactive video that shows the information that’s relevant to their situation. As a result, 93% of all viewers gave positive feedback on their video experience.
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